Magical Fairy Feet
Take a long look at your feet & nails now! Get party feet this season with my new FAIRY FOOT CREAM... ….ITS contains more than you think!...

2018 important dates love, money..
As we merrily wave good bye to 2017, some will say good riddance as its been a particularly trying year!! So, with 2018 kicking off with...

Watch out , as its all happening in the Stars!!!
What’s in store astrologically for August with a full moon Lunar eclipse. Plus a free Lunar Eclipse candle ...read on There will be a...

Summer solstice celebration.
CELEBRATE LITHA OR MIDSUMMER'S DAY!.. with a simple but powerful ceremony. Depending on your individual spiritual journey, there are many...

Start to heal your life!
Healing and the Chakras….. How to heal a broken heart…..and more. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In...

Free Love spell & how to cast it.
how to cast a love spell and a free love spell included. simple wicca white witchcraft love spell and ritual with pictures

IMBOLC Pagan celebration of Fertility & New beginnings.Here I will help you set up your Altar &a
The Traditional Pagan celebration Hundreds of years ago, when our ancestors relied upon the sun as their only source of light, the end of...