Embrace the Full Moon's Healing Touch: Last Call for our Ritual Ceremony on August 31st
As the August days drift by, the celestial dance of the cosmos invites us to gather our intentions and join in a powerful healing ritual...

About Jinn, Djinn, Entities & Spirits
the power of jinn djinn entities spirits angels and all other guides.How to honor them and care for them

4 ways to connect with your djinn, spirit guides or angels
Here are 4 recognised signs that you have connected with your guardian angel, spirit guide or djinn. So many of you write in to ask how...

NEW MOON OFFER & spell casting
This New Moon in Gemini on June 13th 2018 is a powerful time for certain manifestation. NEWMOON18 coupon code for 20% off anything this...

2018 important dates love, money..
As we merrily wave good bye to 2017, some will say good riddance as its been a particularly trying year!! So, with 2018 kicking off with...

Halloween, a powerful time for spell casting
Lets get ready for Samhain or All Hallows Eve...... Halloween, Nutcracker night, Saman, Feast of the dead, Harvest, Day of the dead ,...

5 interesting historical facts about Djinn Jinn. Human belief in djinni has been wide-spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, Middle...

Watch out , as its all happening in the Stars!!!
What’s in store astrologically for August with a full moon Lunar eclipse. Plus a free Lunar Eclipse candle ...read on There will be a...

Start to heal your life!
Healing and the Chakras….. How to heal a broken heart…..and more. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In...

Karmic debs..get your rewards.
PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT to read this. I want to speak to you about your karmic debt & karmic rewards. You know the old phrase, what goes...