MAY 18th Blue Moon
How it can affect you..... May's Blue Flower FULL Moon taking a look at our SHADOW SELF. 18 May 2019, 22:11 What Is a Blue Moon? Despite...

ask your guides for financial help
Can ANGELS really help us? TALKING TO OUR GUIDES; TALKING TO OUR GUIDES; Money. Our guides & Angels can definitely help us here on Earth...

Here's a free money spell & ritual
Money spell casting ritual. With Christmas on its way and many customers asking my advice on money attraction I thought I would share...

Halloween, a powerful time for spell casting
Lets get ready for Samhain or All Hallows Eve...... Halloween, Nutcracker night, Saman, Feast of the dead, Harvest, Day of the dead ,...

Summer solstice celebration.
CELEBRATE LITHA OR MIDSUMMER'S DAY!.. with a simple but powerful ceremony. Depending on your individual spiritual journey, there are many...

Free Love spell & how to cast it.
how to cast a love spell and a free love spell included. simple wicca white witchcraft love spell and ritual with pictures

IMBOLC Pagan celebration of Fertility & New beginnings.Here I will help you set up your Altar &a
The Traditional Pagan celebration Hundreds of years ago, when our ancestors relied upon the sun as their only source of light, the end of...

THIS SUPER MOON IS THE BIGGEST & MOST POWERFUL SINCE 1948! What will you be doing? People from various parts of the world will get to...