Aura healing: clearing your chakra system bringing about spiritual well-being & rapid manifestation
You will manifest your wishes more quickly with these 5 steps. Clear our energy pathways for better manifestation and abundance flow. In...

Join in on our breeding project Babylonian Unicorn breeding program. In the beginning these wonderful creatures could not fly. They were...

MAY 18th Blue Moon
How it can affect you..... May's Blue Flower FULL Moon taking a look at our SHADOW SELF. 18 May 2019, 22:11 What Is a Blue Moon? Despite...

Magical Fairy Feet
Take a long look at your feet & nails now! Get party feet this season with my new FAIRY FOOT CREAM... ….ITS contains more than you think!...

NEW MOON OFFER & spell casting
This New Moon in Gemini on June 13th 2018 is a powerful time for certain manifestation. NEWMOON18 coupon code for 20% off anything this...

Here's a free money spell & ritual
Money spell casting ritual. With Christmas on its way and many customers asking my advice on money attraction I thought I would share...

The Power of Drgon magick
The art of working with Dragon magick; Long ago people knew dragons were real and had magical powers. Humans understood that Dragon power...

Change & empower your life!
The solar eclipse on Monday August 21, 2017 is at 29° Leo. This solar eclipse astrology points to bold, confident changes leading to long...

Watch out , as its all happening in the Stars!!!
What’s in store astrologically for August with a full moon Lunar eclipse. Plus a free Lunar Eclipse candle ...read on There will be a...

Summer solstice celebration.
CELEBRATE LITHA OR MIDSUMMER'S DAY!.. with a simple but powerful ceremony. Depending on your individual spiritual journey, there are many...