Powerful van van anointing oil. Use for Luck and success. 2 x 10ml dropper bottle Carry with you. Only small amount needed.
I brew the mother oil for 9 months wrapped in a SACRED CLOTH then BLESS in FULL MOON LIGHT.The reason I choose this TRADITIONAL METHOD & ingredients is that is the most effective luck and success oil I have ever come across.
You only need a small amount as it has a huge effect.
Van Van oil originally appeared in New Orleans Louisiana, specifically in the West Bank district of Algiers, across the river from the French Quarter. A number of other oil recipes, such as the red Fast Luck oil come from this area and are know to be very effective. I spent much time learning this traditional method of making an authentic oil when I visited the USA many years ago.
If you want a POWERFUL & RELIABLE oil to use for quick instant results, then there is no better oil than this VAN VAN LUCK AND SUCCESS OIL. Use to dress your candles, mojo bags, spell castings. Van Van is a classic choice for an all purpose hoodoo or conjure oil.
carry it with you everywhere.
Van van oil 2 x bottles Luck and success anointing spell oil
I use Royal mail TRACKED AND SIGNED due to the value of my items.I am experienced in shipping to the US ,Canada, JAPAN, Russia and the EU.For Australian customers please contact before you order.I don't charge for additional items!! :)