BOOST YOUR LOVE LIFE as Venus goes Direct!
Your LOVE RELATIONSHIP now Venus goes direct

At last on Saturday the 15th Venus the planet that influences our love lives is waking from her long sleep! After weeks of being retrograde ( standing still ) this planet of LOVE & BEAUTY is on the move in a positive way. If your love life has been some what lacking or even down right disappointing this year, then take heart as things are soon to heat up.
She needs a few weeks to get going again after her slumber so don’t expect miracles overnight.
On Sunday 16th she goes sextile to Mars so this will give hope and power to many Love interests.
It will be another 19 months or so before Venus goes retrograde again so we have time to concentrate of finding our soul mates and consolidate our relationships.
HOWEVER….CAUSION….Mercury is in retrograde until 3rd May … so look…but DO NOT START A SERIOUS ROMANCE YET! Now is the time to prepare but not commit. Have fun…plan…but until Mercury goes direct on the 3rd …..DO NOT start anything new! This is a great time to reconnect with old loves…lost loves even, but do not push it, let the Universe decide how & who to best bring back into your life.
If you have been agonizing over an ex…..and this relationship is meant to be ….then now is the time they might reconnect with you…..DO NOT PUSH IT THOUGH!
Light a Venus re connect candle and let the Universe work her magick.
Now is a good time to cast love and soul mate spells. Light wish candles and spell candles. Prepare and plan but do not start new projects and relationships. Do not sign contracts or buy new computers, cars or book holidays!