wonder why your life is a struggle?

Why are you struggling so much at the moment?
We both know where you are trying to get to in your life, yet your progress has probably seemed a slow struggle so far this year. Why? Well simply because you are possibly carrying too much “spiritual baggage “ with you.
You can’t carry everything with you as you walk this journey so it’s time to let go of what is not serving you well.
So often I am asked by my clients “ WHY IS LIFE SUCH A STRUGGLE ?” Well it need not be. Lets look at the planets for a moment as they have a clear message for us…. “GET RID OF WHAT IS NOT NEEDED IN OUR
As we see Pluto go Retrograde this week you enter a short but important period of your life. It is time to discover what is truly holding you back in life, learn from it and eliminate life aspects you no longer require.
On April 20th Pluto will turn to a Retrograde transit and last until mid September. Although you’ll experience other stronger transits during this period, Pluto will constantly be there willing you to heed its message.
How can “Pluto’s influence” really help you?
Above all “Pluto’s Retrograde transit” is seen as a period for personal reflection, chiefly over the power and control in your life. Each person develops a relationship with power and control differently. Its these traits that can be negative to our soul growth that need to be let go of. Controlling or manipulating behaviour can be so destructive, not only in our relationships, but also causing our own life to become a struggle. Pluto urges us to let go of these bad behaviours & influences us to make positive changes.
So ….not only have we dealt with Venus retrograde this year ( Jan-15th April) Mercury is now retrograde until 3rd May. Saturn is also retrograde & Pluto is about to swing into action by setting us more hard tasks to deal with!
Take time to look at what you need to change and let go of in your life.
We have made some New moon Pluto Retrograde herb candles for you to light and reflect on your soul journey. Take the time out to start to improve your life by “letting go” as Pluto encourages us to change our personal struggle!.......Perhaps that’s why Teresa May has called an election here in the UK ??
Here I have a spell cast candle kit for letting go of un-wanted baggage.
Visit my shop for more helpful tools to enhance and empower your soul path.
Love and light
Di x