2018 important dates love, money..

As we merrily wave good bye to 2017, some will say good riddance as its been a particularly trying year!!
So, with 2018 kicking off with a super full moon 1st/2nd Jan, and then again on the 31st of January a super blue moon ...
what have we in store for this year?
Start with a full moon ceremony on the 1st /2nd Jan. Light a candle and simply ask the powers that be, to bring you all the love, health , happiness and success that they can.
Ask for world peace and united love so our planet heals its human made wounds.
Here are some important dates for the year ahead. These should help you plan and build with greater success if you heed the following ;

Having just come out of a painful Mercury retrograde (ended 22 Dec '17) I hate to mention it...
However I must so you can mark it in your calendar and quietly prepare.
• March 22 – April 15, 2018 In the fire-sign of Aries. • July 25 - August 18, 2018 In the fire-sign of Leo. • November 16 - December 06, 2018 From the fire-sign of Sagittarius to the water-sign of Scorpio.

During a retrograde period, it is not a good idea to start any practical venture or new project. It is better to prepare for it rather than doing it and to move ahead later with the direct phase of Mercury.This applies to cosmetic procedures , business and personal projects too. Mercury goes Retrograde three times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts losing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. selling and buying large items like houses, cars and business is not advisable unless the project is well on its way before the start of a retrograde period. Do not sign contracts or enter into new contracts during this phase.

2018 is a busy year in astrology, largely due to the fact that two key planets- Saturn and Uranus will shift into Earth signs, giving us a host of prominent planets under the influence of Earth energy.This earthy energy is going to help all of us to start building up a foundation and bringing structure and order to our lives.
Many of us would have experienced upheaval and big change over the last few years, and now all of this Earth energy is going to help us find our feet and get grounded.
January with its super moons is a great time to apply for a new job or career change. Its a powerful time however not necessarily quick moving so be patient.

Uranus is another planet that is also shifting into an Earth sign in 2018. On May 16, the planet of great change and awakening will move into Taurus where it will remain until April 2026.
When a big planet like Uranus shifts signs, it causes things to move and shake so we can awaken to our lives and what we really want. Uranus is always causing change, because it is through change that we can grow and awaken into deeper parts of ourselves.
The changes that Uranus brings in Taurus are going to be very much focused on what we are choosing to build.

By June, we are going to be entering a strong retrograde cycle, starting with Mars Retrograde. Mars is the planet of motivation and action, and when in retrograde, it really forces us to take a back seat instead of forging ahead.
26th June -27 Aug Mars retrograde
Mars takes approximately 2 years or 687 days to do a complete revolution around the Sun. Mars moves into retrograde every 2 years + 2 months, and then stays that way for about 55 to 80 days. When Mars goes retrograde, any direct action becomes difficult. Try finishing tasks left incomplete and work on redoing, renovating, and repairing which will work better than starting any new ventures.
Mars retrograde also challenges us to assess how we are using our time and energy.
Once Mars is direct again in August, we will then be faced with Venus Retrograde from October to November and then immediately after that we will have Mercury Retrograde.

Its not a good idea to plan any weddings or engagements during Venus Retrograde. 5th Oct - 16th Nov. Venus moves into retrograde every 18 months or so, and will stay that way for about 6 weeks.
During Venus retrograde, money and love areas are reviewed, and old relations could return to resume or to be completed. Starting new love relationships may produce a change of heart when Venus goes direct. Investments done during the retrograde phase of Venus could lose in value and again I warn of the risk involved with cosmetic procedures.
I would like to thank you all for your wonderful support and feed back!! Here's to a very happy healthy, and successful 2018 :) x
Love & Light
Diana x
Trulymagick White Wicca Witchcraft.