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NEW MOON OFFER & spell casting

This New Moon in Gemini on June 13th 2018 is a powerful time for certain manifestation.

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According to astrology this next new Moon in Gemini is one of the “astrological power periods” that holds massive potential for powerful spell casting & manifestation.

On each New Moon we have access to a “wishing window”, or spell casting period of time. I try to utilise this window of opportunity for the best possible out come . The strongest times for spell casting and wishing are 6 hours before or after the exact time of the New Moon. 13Th June 20;43pm London time. Here is a handy link

You can google the exact time in your area and you then have a 12 hour window to cast your spell or just make a wish.

You can enhance your spell casting or wish potential by using the energy of the SIGN of the New Moon. ( Gemini in this case )

When the New Moon is in Gemini, spell casting for all things “Gemini” brings a major increase in manifestation of your spell or wish coming true!

Here are 8 positive examples of Gemini-related things you can spell cast for on the New Moon in Gemini and a simple method of spell casting.

1. Better communication skills

2. A new car, boat , bike etc.

3. A new communication device ( phone , tablet computer etc)

4. Improved relationships with family.

5. Anything related to creative writing and sharing of information.

6.Short-term or short-distance travel

7. New and interesting experiences or adventures.

8. Anything involving the healing of the nervous system (including anxiety, nervousness, restlessness), Respiratory System (including allergies), Hands, Wrists, Arms, Shoulders .

To cast the spell;

Write your wishes down on paper. ( you can use all 8 or just 1 )

repeat them out loud 3 times and light 3 candles. As you are lighting the candles you need to FEEL your wishes in a positive way and get excited at the prospect of them manifesting.

This is an important ingredient to making your wishes a reality.

Of course if you want A SPELL cast on your behalf with fire, smoke and all the trimmings ….I CAN CAST FOR YOU with the coven on our new moon ceremony.

NEWMOON18 coupon code for 20% off all items on the website.

Love and light Di

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