2020 forecast Mercury retrograde dates

2020: A year of big transformation
So what will 2020 bring to us. It will be a time of complete change and revolution. SOME of us will continue on our road to transformation and others will begin theirs.

The changes are set to be positive, and more than likely to make your life a whole lot better if accepted with grace.
If like me you are only too happy to see the back of 2019...for what ever reasons, some of us experienced big painful change and challenges that tested our limits. There is now hope as we recover from these 2019 demands and enjoy their benefits in 2020.
All changes and challenges can have rewards, its just a matter of finding them.

So...here we are 2020 full of hope and opportunity for most of the star signs. Some of you will have great scope to better your life, others will have to work a bit harder to achieve their goals. All is possible when you remain positive and focused.
A few signs will experience radical changes.... however they shouldn’t be afraid of them. According to some experts, 2020 will be full of temptation and will at times make us completely impatient & very demanding. We can all expect some explosive moments over the course of the year. However in general it is going to be a good, over all year!!! Yippee!!

Dates to remember !!
Mercury retrograde
February 18th to March 9th.
June 19th to July 11th
Oct 16th Nov 2nd
Here are some new products to look out for over the next few days/ weeks.

1. Hot foot oil. This will help remove unwanted people and things in your life.
2. Van Van success and luck candles. We make these candles with our van van luck oil.
3. love oil and new and fresh LOVE attraction oil.
4. magical moon mist spray. Dispels negative forces and bad entities.
The forecast....

Success is on the horizon, especially when it comes to your professional life. If you give your plans enough thought and attention, you can count on some big moments of success. When it comes to relationships, If you can add a dash of passion to your home-life you will be happy at how it will bring you closer together with your partner.
Teamwork will be one of the main keys to accomplishing your dreams in 2020 horoscope, individual projects will be harder to get through unless you ask for help and become a team player. Being able to maintain good energy and positive vibes will help each of the star signs take one step closer to achieving their goals and dreams. Keep positive and clear out “STUFF” you no longer need. Use witchcraft to bring in the good vibes and remove the bad ones for the year 2020.
Blessings Di x