Join Us To Celebrate a farewell to 2021

Join the coven and myself for a fiery farewell full moon ritual.
Our ritual ceremony will begin at 11pm on Saturday the 18th and we will leave the fires burning through the night.
All you need to do is light a candle to connect your energies with ours. We will include you in our earth healing ceremony.
We will incorporate a deep routed healing and clearing of all negativity. 2021 has been a challenging year for most of us. Leaving us exhausted and feeling burnt out. In this healing ceremony, we will work to refresh the energies within our bodies, soul and minds.
We will offer thanks and ask for universal blessings of abundance . We ask that those who wish to join us ask the same, between 11pm and midnight.
Our a ceremony will close at 1:00 AM. However, the fires will keep burning safely. The spell will continue to manifest, until the end of the full moon. So please don't worry if you miss the time slot, as you have 24 hours approximately.
The final full moon of 2021 will be the Cold Moon. At her fullest 4:35am on December 19. uk
It is called the Cold Moon after the long and dark winter's night grip tightens. But, falling in the festive season, it's also often referred to as Moon before Yule or Long Nights Moon.
I have put together a complete guide to the Moon, the brightest object in our night sky, which has enchanted and inspired mankind for centuries.

Why do full moons have different names?
The early Native Americans didn't use time from the months of the Julian or Gregorian calendar. Instead tribes gave each full moon a name to keep track of the seasons and lunar months.
Most of the names relate to an activity or an event that took place local to each tribe. However, it wasn't a uniform system and tribes tended to name and count moons differently. Some, for example, counted four seasons a year while others counted five. Others defined a year as 12 moons, while others said there were 13.
Colonial Americans adopted some of the moon names and applied them to their own calendar system which is why they're still in existence today.
Full moons of 2022.
January: Wolf Moon 17th 2022
This full moon was named because villagers would to hear packs of wolves howling in hunger around this time of the year. It's also known as the Old Moon, Ice Moon and Snow Moon.
February: Snow Moon 16th 2022
The Snow Moon is named as such, because historically it's always been the snowiest month in America. It's also traditionally referred to as the Hunger Moon, because hunting was very difficult in snowy conditions.
March: Worm Moon 18th 2022
As temperatures warm the earthworm casts begin to appear. Birds start finding food as insects awake. It also has multiple other names including the Sap Moon, Crow Moon and Crust Moon, while its Anglo Saxon name is the Lenten Moon.
The Worm Moon appears in our skies as the Spring Equinox. This full moon is important because it is used to fix the date of Easter, which is always the Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox.
April: Pink Moon 16th 2022

April's full moon is known as the Pink Moon. It's actually named after the pink wildflowers, which appear in North America in early spring.
It is also known as the Egg Moon, due to spring egg-laying season. Some coastal tribes referred to it as Fish Moon.
May: Flower Moon 16th 2022
May is a beautiful time as spring has officially sprung. Flowers, insects, birds and colourful blooms dot the landscape.
This full moon is also known as Corn Planting Moon, as crops are sown in time for harvest, or Milk Moon, as May was previously known as the "Month of Three Milkings".
In 2022, this will coincide with a total lunar eclipse. We in the UK will not be able to see every part of the eclipse, but will still be able to see it at totality when the entire Moon turns red.
June: Strawberry Moon 14th 2022
This full moon is named after the beginning of the strawberry picking season. It is also known as Rose Moon or Hot Moon, as the temperature heats up.
It also appears in the same month as the summer solstice, when we can enjoy the longest day.
July: Thunder Moon 13th 2022
Named due to the heat of summer causing thunder storms. It's otherwise known as the Full Buck Moon because at this time of the year a buck's antlers are fully grown.
August: Sturgeon Moon 12th 2022
The final days of summer approach and the beginning of the harvest. The Sturgeon Moon is named after the prehistoric-looking fish that Native Americans would catch at this time of year.
It is also often referred to as the grain moon, and the red moon for the reddish hue it often takes on in the summer haze.
September: Harvest Moon 10th 2022
September's full moon is the closest to the Autumn equinox. It is referred to as the Harvest Moon, as its during this most of the crops are harvested ahead of the autumn. The moon gives light to farmers so they can carry on working longer into the evening.
Some tribes also called it the Barley Moon, the Full Corn Moon or Fruit Moon.
October: Hunter's Moon 9th 2022
October's full moon gets its name as it signifies the ideal time for hunting game. The hunting season begins, as people planned for the cold months ahead.
It is also known as the Travel Moon and the Dying Grass Moon.
November: Beaver Moon 8th 2022
The eleventh moon of the year is called the Beaver Moon.Beavers typically start building their winter dams in November. In addition, winter frosts historically began to take their toll during this time, hence its alternative name of Frost Moon.
Special Events in 2022.

The next total lunar eclipse will take place in the UK until May 16, 2022.
The different stages of the total lunar eclipse, also known as the "super blood wolf moon
New moon
Sometimes known as the invisible phase, as it generally can't be seen in the sky. It's when the Sun and Moon are aligned, with the Sun and Earth on opposite sides of the Moon. As a result, the side of the Moon that faces the Earth is left in complete darkness.
Black moon
Most experts agree that this refers to the second new moon in a calendar month, while some use the term to describe the third new moon in a season of four new moons. The last black moon took place on August 19, 2020.
Blood moon
Also known as a total lunar eclipse. It's when the shadow of Earth casts a reddish glow on the moon, the result of a rare combination of an eclipse with the closest full moon of the year. The next one set to be visible over South America, North America and parts of Europe and Africa on May 16, 2022. We in the UK won't be able to see every phase of this eclipse, but should be able to see it at totality when the Moon appears with a reddish-orange glow.
Well you've probably spotted a supermoon. They seem to be so close to us you can almost touch them.
The impressive sight happens when a full moon is at the point in its orbit that brings it closest to Earth. To us Earth-lings, it appears up to 30 per cent brighter and 14 per cent bigger.
Supermoons dates.
In 2022, there will be a supermoon on June 14 and on July 13.
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